My name is Vladimir Garay. I’m a communications specialist with ten years of experience in digital policy with a human rights approach
I’m interested in the social impact of new technologies. I studied communications and journalism and hold a master’s degree in Latin American studies. I have extensive experience designing communication strategies to advance human rights, build collaborative networks, and enhance brand visibility. I have led projects on topics such as artificial intelligence, freedom of expression, data privacy, state surveillance, and online content moderation, among many others. I am currently based in Santiago, Chile.
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My Work
Here you’ll find a selection of my writings and projects I’ve worked on.
A digital security tool for journalists and social communicators.
A friendly kit of tools and practical bits of advice for digital security.
AI & Inclusion
A set of resources for adopting a human rights perspective in AI.
Reconocimiento Facial.info
A campaign about the threats and dangers of facial recognition systems for human rights.
El anonimato nos defiende
A campaign to raise awareness about the importance of anonymity for freedom of expression.
TPP Abierto
A campaign in Spanish about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and its threats.
Research & Reports
Latin America in a Glimpse
A summary of the most relevant events with respect to human rights and tecnology in Latin America.
PubliElectoral: Chile
Research on the impact of social media in political campaigns in Chile, between 2020 and 2022.
Tecnología y vigilancia en la Operación Huracán
Analysis of the media coverage of a prominent surveillance case in Chile.
Twitter: The beginning of the end?
After several months of speculation and drama, Elon Musk took over the company.
Data Black Magic
Our digital shadows are not something we have, but something that to some extent we are.
ONU: Tratado sobre cibercrimen amenaza el ejercicio de derechos en línea
Falta de consenso genera preocupación.